Having focused on Formula 1 for the last few weeks, I think it's time for another episode of Camping With Ian, and more importantly, what one should never do with Stilton.
Ian and I first started camping in 2003, I think it was. On this first trip we went to Pillsbury State Park in Washington, New Hampshire. It's a small park with its own pond and a section the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway runs along the eastern border of the park. After spending the first day canoeing and fishing we decided to take the majority of day two and hike part of the Greenway.
Other than it being a very hot day (further emphasized by the fact that I still had long hair at the time) the hike was going well, I thought. We ascended the northern most trail accessing the Greenway and turned south, then hiked along the ridge for awhile before deciding it was time for lunch. Lunch was where things started to go wrong; very wrong.
We had brought a block of Stilton and a loaf of Italian bread with us for lunch. We had water as well, but the bulk of the meal would be just bread and cheese. This worked for both of us, or so we thought. There was that "hot day" thing I mentioned before. When I pulled out the block of Stilton it moved in a rather disturbing way; it was liquid. Completely melted, Stilton takes on a whole new presence. In solid form it's a blue cheese, and a rather pungent one at that; but very good. In liquid form it could easily have been the subject of a 50s horror flick. Being hungry, we put our concerns aside and poured the cheese onto the bread; one half loaf for each of us.
Let it be herein recorded that "Stilton Cheese Spread" would be an absolute product failure. I think I made it through about two thirds of my portion before my stomach was done; not necessarily sated, but it wasn't going to accept any more of that substance, and was threatening further action should I persist.
The rest of the hike was somewhat less pleasant. We finished the hike south and descended the southern connector back to the main Pillsbury Park area where we got to the truck and went home.
On the upside, neither of us was hungry again at any time during the trip. I think I drank about a gallon of water though.